Registration info
Click on the picture that matches your child's grade level for Fall 2024 and the activity they will be participating in.
Note: A chrome browser works best
Checkout is via Paypal or credit card.
After paying, you will receive an email within 48 hours to complete registration. It is sent to the email address associated with your PayPal account.
Per our bylaws: Registration is limited to students attending Tuslaw Local Schools, residing in the district, or those who are grandfathered in.​​
Please reach out if any questions​
Attention 3rd/4th grade FOOTBALL parents: your child has the option of signing up for either FLAG FOOTBALL or TACKLE FOOTBALL. Please choose the appropriate option. ​
*Note: A minimum of 18 players will be required to field a 3rd/4th grade tackle football team. If player registration does not meet the minimum by the registration cut-off date, the player's family will be contacted to make one of the following choices:
Participate in 3rd/4th grade flag football and receive a partial refund to adjust to the flag rate
Not participate in TJFC football and receive a full refund If 5th/6th grade rosters spots are available, a player's family may ask to play up. The final decision to allow a player to play up (if requested) will be made collectively by the TJFC Board and coaches.
All TACKLE football players must have a yearly physical and birth certificate on file.
See link below registration for printable physical forms​
There is a volunteer fee of $25 for Flag Football and Flag Cheer and $50 for Tackle Football and Tackle Cheer. ​​
This is one volunteer opportunity for Flag parents and two volunteer opportunities for Tackle parents
​Coaches are not expected to volunteer additionally.​
Volunteer activities may include: concession stand, running the chains, and anything else determined by the board.
Registering more than 1 child?
Use promo code MULTIPLEKIDS at checkout to save $20 per child
Plan on coaching?
Email for more info. A current background check within the past 5 years is required to be a coach.